Seminarul din Rîșcova – octombrie 2019

În perioada 24-27 octombrie 2019, la Riscova, Moldova, a avut loc cel de-al 12-lea seminar internațional Trans.History cu tema „Promovarea societății civile și a istoriei evreiești în țările Visegrad, Moldova și Ucraina”.

In close collaboration with our partner NGO EcoVisio and with the support of the German Federal Foreign Ministry and the Visegrad Fund, we brought together 50 educators and NGO activists from Moldova, Ukraine, Germany and the Visegrad countries (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic) for a training seminar with interactive workshops, historical lectures, film screenings, and to discuss and share best practices on commemorating Jewish history and culture, and promoting active citizenship in educational contexts.

For more details, please take a look at the seminar program [PDF].