„The Moldovan Jewish Family Album“ was in Orhei

From March 4-8, 2019 our exhibition „The Moldovan Jewish Family Album“ was with history teacher Nicu Singereanu at IPLT Onisifor Ghibu in Orhei. The exhibition was presented within the regional conference „Holocaust – moment de rememorare a istoriei“ which was attended by 50 students, the vice-president of the Orhei rayon, Rabbi Ilie, the head of the Orhei Jewish community, Izeaslav Mundrean, our Moldovan coordinator, Irina Shikhova, and the director of the state archive, Ion Varta. During the event Centropa‘s short film about Ivan Barbul“ was screened and a group of students presented the results of a study conducted in the town of Orhei, presenting historical places in the city with a crossing connected to the Jewish community living in Orhei during the post-war period.

This is what Nicu shared with us about the exhibition presentation: „Evenimentu a fost foarte interesant din motiv ca elevii au avut ocazia sa participe la cea de-a III ediție a conferinței dedicate victimelor holocaustului. Datorita acestei expoziții elevii au făcut cunoaștințăcu alte istorii a evreiilor.“

Thanks, Nicu Singereancu for bringing our Moldovan exhibition to your school in Orhei!